Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mixed Bag of News

Well a mixed bag of news to report on the adoption front. First piece of news is we got new photographs and an updated health report yesterday. He is so cute. It's really amazing how you can look at someone you've never met and have so much love for him. He really is cute and we can't wait to get him home. As far as health goes they report he is doing great and he continues to be on the top of the growth charts. He actually doesn't even register on the Ethiopian growth charts he's so big. He's in the 90th percentile for length here in America. Basketball player maybe?

The not so good news is what continues to happen in the court system in Ethiopia. Without going into details on such a public forum a lot of families are facing the same situaion we are as far as completing the adoption. Two families from our agency went to court yesterday. One passed, one didn't. Both had the same situation we had and one was taken care of the other one wasn't. We are not even sure if the other one can be take care of and we fear that could be us. That being said we are confident that eventually it will all be taken care of but we fear another delay. All that to say we still have 36 days until we go to court so hopefully it will all work out. It's not like here in America where we can get these things worked out. Things work completely different over there. We just ask for prayers to make it happen. He will be home soon!


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